Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Life for the next few months

In the midst of preparing to go abroad for the next month and a half, I began to wonder how the heck I was going to keep in touch with everyone. On my sorority family's last get-together of the term, someone mentioned starting a blog. So that's just what I did.
This Friday, I leave with the University Chorus for Germany. The group is touring through cities such as Fussen, Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Munich. Shortly after my return to the states, I will be packing up another suitcase and hopping on a plane to India for a six week study abroad program. Talk about jet lag.
After coming back to the States with (maybe) a great tan and a new love for vegetarian cuisine, I will be driving down to Arkansas for an internship with the Delta Area Health Education Center.
I am so excited for the upcoming months, and look forward to being able to post some beautiful pictures and hopefully an adventure or two.